Today AGAIN that damn Mary Kay lady tried to get me to buy and start my own Mary Kay business. I kept telling her no, and she said that Mary Kay is the answer to everything wrong in my life. What a lunatic? I appreciate this image sent to me from a fan. I think it is offensive, but it shows that Mary Kay really is a cult more so than a business. It's sad. Women who are in Mary Kay need to be helped.
Madge, You are out of control!
LOL, this is hysterical!!
I noticed someone named Teri is starting to hone in on my territory....
She's mine, damm it!!
You know you'll always be my favorite daughter I never had. At least when you talk to me you don't beg for money or old family heirlooms.
I might beg for beano, seeing that you have a good supply.
Beg away, I have enough Beano to de-gas a herd of elephants!
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